Preparing Your Pets for Winter: A Comprehensive Guide by Texas Homes Realty & Management


Hello, dear homeowners and renters! As the winter season approaches, it’s not just us humans who need to stay warm and cozy; our furry friends do too. At Texas Homes Realty & Management, we pride ourselves on being more than just a residential property management company. We’re here to build partnerships, one home at a time. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you prepare your pets for the winter months.

Why is Pet Winter Care Important?

Winter can be a challenging time for pets, especially those who are used to spending a lot of time outdoors. Cold temperatures, icy conditions, and less daylight can all affect your pet’s well-being. That’s why it’s crucial to take steps to ensure they are as comfortable and safe as possible.

Creating a Cozy Environment

One of the first things you can do is create a warm and cozy environment for your pets. Make sure they have a comfortable bed or blanket to snuggle into. If your home is particularly drafty, consider getting a heated pet bed or pad.

Outdoor Precautions

If your pet spends a lot of time outdoors, make sure they have access to a sheltered area where they can escape the elements. Always check their paws for ice and salt build-up when they come inside and consider investing in pet-safe ice melt for your sidewalks and driveways.

Food and Water

Pets may require more calories during the winter to help them stay warm. Consult your vet about possibly adjusting your pet’s diet. Also, make sure they always have access to fresh, unfrozen water.

Professional Help

If you’re unsure about how to best prepare your home for your pets during the winter, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We have a pool of qualified renters ready to move in, and we specialize in converting empty homes into income. Visit our Property Management Request or Repair Request Form for more details.


Winter can be a magical time, but it’s important to take the necessary precautions to ensure your pets are safe and comfortable. Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a cozy winter season with your furry friends.

Contact Us
Texas Homes Realty & Management
633 East Fernhurst Drive, Suite 701
Katy, Texas 77450
Phone: (281) 646-9929

Thank you for choosing Texas Homes Realty & Management, where we’re building partnerships, one home at a time. Stay warm and take care!

A cozy living room setting with a fireplace, featuring a pet bed and toys
A cozy living room setting with a fireplace, featuring a pet bed and toys