Fall/Winter Maintenance


In areas where temperatures fall below freezing, it is important to winterize your exterior hose bibs prior to freezing temperatures.

Please remember to close all interior shutoff valves, and open all exterior hose bibs before the onset of frigid temperatures.

Should this occur, consider the following suggestions:

  • Do not lower the heat below 60 degrees.
  • Keep garage doors closed to protect plumbing lines that run through garage ceilings.
  • If power in interrupted, or during extremely frigid temperatures, allow water to dip slowly to prevent freezing.
  • During extremely cold periods, or if you will be away, leave cabinet doors open under sinks to allow warm air to circulate.
  • If you discover your pipes are frozen, use a hair dryer to thaw them slowly. Do not use a torch or hot water.
  • If a burst pipe or leakage is suspected, shut off the water supply to the affected area and contact your property management company immediately.


Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are perhaps the most important components of your electric system. While they are wired directly into your home’s electrical system, most models include a battery back-up.  A chirping sound indicates that the battery is weak and should be replaced.  Safeguard your family and guests by replacing all your smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries ANNUALLY.

Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors regularly by pushing the test button on each unit.  The alarm should sound. If it does not, call for service immediately.


Every family should develop and periodically review their personal family fire plan.

  • How do you all get out safely in the event of a fire?
  • Where do you meet outside the home?

You may want to contact your local fire department for general fire safety information if you need assistance.


Contact Source: K Hovnanian Homes