Spring Cleaning

Spring is here and it’s time for Spring Cleaning!

Spring is usually the time when everyone likes to get their homes thoroughly cleaned after being cooped up for the winter.  After the Holidays and Busy schedules it gets harder to clean your home like you really want to.

Some of the basic items that should be attended to are:

  • Washing Windows, Walls, Cabinets and Baseboards. These things can collect dust and clean so easily with a little bit of soap and water.
  • Carpets and other Flooring should be cleaned and polished.
  • Ceiling Fans and AC Vents collect so much dust throughout the months.  Wiping these down are very easy as well.
  • Light Fixtures and Switches.

Scheduling a day for this to be done will help in getting it checked off your to-do list.  Making it a family event will even make the process quicker and could be fun.

Happy Cleaning!