ouseplants are the ultimate accessory in functional decorating in your apartment home. Some well-placed greenery can brighten a space and simultaneously clean the air you breathe. For those of us with green thumbs, apartment living often leaves little to no outdoor space for a garden. Add one of these easy to care for houseplants to your apartment living space for a little dose of Zen!

Peace Lily – the Peace Lily is a beautiful flowering plant that can survive in dimly lit, dry environments. It tops our list of plants for combatting a wide variety of dangerous organic compounds, including toluene, xylene, formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene.

Aloe Plant – aloe plant gel can soothe sunburns and heal cuts. Aloe is known for its ability to rid the air of formaldehyde and benzene, two chemicals found in household cleaners and paint.

Gerber Daisy – this brightly-colored flowering plant removes trichloroethylene, which can be traced back to your dry cleaning. This plant needs plenty of light, so place it near a sunny window.

Snake plant – Also known as Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, this plant thrives in humid, low-light conditions – so it’s perfect for a bathroom. Use this plant to filter out the smelly chemicals found in bleach and toilet cleaners.

Bamboo Palm – NASA scientists listed the bamboo palm as one of the best air-filtering houseplants. Also known as a reed palm, this small plant thrives in shady indoor spaces and often produces flowers and small berries.

Red-edged Dracaena – This unique-looking shrub can grow all the way to the ceiling if properly cared for, and it’s excellent at ridding the air of trichloroethylene. The red edges of its long, green leaves bring an unexpected pop of color, too!

Chinese evergreen – This easy-to-care-for plant thrives in low light and produces blooms and red berries once fully mature. It helps filter out a variety of air pollutants and removes even more toxins as time and exposure continues.
